
A few months ago I wrote about US President Donald Trump's "Spygate"  investigation of the Mueller "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation into what's commonly called "Russiagate". Trump declassified documents and asked his Attorney General William Barr to investigate, with the help of US Attorney John Durham, whether US intelligence had conspired to help stop him becoming President.The investigation has just been expanded (20 October 2019).

The facts should become public soon, aside from redactions for "national security" purposes, but we already know quite a lot. This article focuses on the Australian connections, particularly former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer.

Donald Trump has declassified thousands of documents related to the RussiaGate scandal and his Attorney General William Barr is set to release the findings of his investigation soon. So what can we expect?

First of all, let's note that it is extraordinary for a US Attorney General to be investigating the nation's intelligence agencies. But these are extraordinary times.

The US military spy base Pine Gap is located about 20 kms from Alice Springs in Australia’s outback.

We don’t talk about Pine Gap any more. Or North West Cape, or any other US military spy bases in Australia. Forty years since the overthrow of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, Australians still don’t even want to admit that the CIA was involved. Meanwhile, Pine Gap has morphed into an integral part of the US drones program, which regularly kills innocent people in countries we will never visit.

UPDATE: Joe Lauria went to NZ "a few months ago" (before the Mueller report came out) and recorded a 4 hour interview with @KimDotcom. Three segments can now be heard on Consortium News here at 46 mins, 1:14 mins and 1:39 mins. I transcribed the main bits from the first part, and pretty much everything in parts two and three. They are added at the end of this post.

We're not supposed to talk about Seth Rich any more. Even though his murder remains unsolved.

The arrest of Julian Assange triggered an all-too-predictable debate within the journalist community, many of whom vehemently detest the WikiLeaks founder, about whether or not he is a "real journalist".

Never mind all the journalism awards Assange and WikiLeaks have won, never mind that WikiLeaks have revealed more secrets in 12 years than the rest of the world's media combined, never mind their 100% record for publishing verified true documents. No.

We stand on the cusp of a revolution which may go either of two ways. Certainly the status quo cannot hold. Western nations have been accelerating towards Fascist authoritarianism for some time. The advent of online communication and social media threatened to give ordinary citizens more say in how their societies are run, but governments have successfully blunted this opportunity with draconian “anti-terror” laws.

According to Julian Assange, censorship is always a sign of fear. It expresses weakness.

This is a compilation of tweets from @JulianAssange today. These tweets come in response to a push for social media organisations like Twitter and Facebook to censor content that is deemed "dangerous".

Hello snowflakes. I will do a small tour now of some censorship double standards that I have a deep personal experience of, namely threats to kill.

Originally published in New Daily as "Heavy Meddle: Did USA interfere in Australian election?" Republishing here because it was almost impossible to read on that site.

While Americans digest the news that Russia almost certainly tried to influence the election that delivered Donald Trump the presidency, new research indicates the US is an old hand at trying to sway votes in other countries.

Originally published at WikiLeaks Central on 1st December 2012.

In a wide-ranging exclusive interview with WL Central, former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser has accused the current Gillard government of acting as though Julian Assange "doesn't exist, that he's not an Australian citizen." Mr Fraser slams the existing relationship between Australia and the United States as "far, far too close" and claims Australia is "a strategic colony of the United States, under current circumstances.
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